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You will always be weird to everyone

Have you ever wonder why most people like certain things to the point that they believe other things aren't necessary? Liking some content such as gossips, anime or even K-pop or K-drama or based on what we believe can build a group society. Dividing our opinions while we're in such groups can build an army. These types of armies can influence us both positively and negatively.

On one hand, being in a social group society gives us confident and build up our social skills. Engaging with people who have the same interest makes you feel welcomed and it also creates friendships. On the other hand, it could also affect our critical thinking. For example two different K-pop groups have fans who support them. Based on these fans, they believe that their K-pop idol is far better than any other. Hence, cyberbullying other idols from another groups or even to their fandom is possible. Another example is what are your likes and dislikes. Let's say you like pineapple pizza and your friend just know about this. Two possible outcomes can either be "Oh I love them too!" , or "That's so weird!! Why would you even like that?" These criticisms can either bring conflicts or simply nothing depending on your thoughts and emotions.

What about our beliefs? Would anyone judge you based on what you think and what you believe in? Of course they will but why sometimes they don't like me expressing my opinion? Why are they against my ideas that I present on the table? It is simple, you are working at a manufacture company for instance and everyone was told to make new innovations. Once you have present it, it is the CEO's decision whether if it is needed in the society. Eventually you will feel hurt because you have spent so much time and effort making this. However if they simply didn't like your innovative ideas to help they community, you have to try to persuade them! Make them realize that this matter is very important for you, the company and to the world.

Honestly speaking, the problematic between Israel and Gaza has never ended. Being targeted during the month of patient and religious is very complicated. 500 Palestinians are being force to leave their homes, and these people are illegally taking them with pride. International media has chose to stay silent. In 1948, Israel claimed that these lands and houses belonged to Jews, unfortunately the court has decided the claim to be correct; however these information is not authentic. Before 1948, Palestinians, Muslims and Jews lived peacefully together. No other Palestinians would take houses or land from another Palestinian or humans. That is only what Israel does. This is not something new. Palestinians have been kicked out of their homes twice: First in 1948 from Jaffa and other occupied Palestine and 60 years later from Jerusalem. Unfortunately, this is an ongoing occupation. Lands are still being taken, and illegal settlements are still being built. In the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood are fighting for their own rights. They are being assaulted , brutally beaten, and killed.

What else can you and I do? Social media these days, especially on Instagram won't let any public harassments about this matter or any other matter, related to Islam being shared on IG stories. Other matters like sexual harassments in different countries has been delivered on the news, but Palestine being occupied isn't? This is the problem! People who contain these hatred feeling will be inhumane. Those people will be corrupted by the sheds of blood that they slipped on the ground. Does proof always solves everything? The third paragraph is all the proof you will need because it came from Palestinian themselves. What happen to "Don't judge a book by it's cover" or "Don't always trust social media" or "Sharing is Caring" Where is the peace? This inhumane, childish act will corrupt the next generation. These people say that they want to provide the best education for the next generation. I hate to break it to you but I don't think you are doing that properly. Providing new technologies for academic studies isn't enough to shape a human's characteristics. Academic studies are just the fundamental practices for us, but for socializing is different.

Back to the title of today's post "You will always be weird to everyone," how is this related?

  1. I have just inform you what I believe in, Allah SWT, I am a Muslim.

  2. I am in a society group that defends a country/ies who believes in Allah SWT.

  3. I gave my personal belief and opinions about this matter.

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