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Invest money on Ocean research or Space research?

Education is very important in our lives and we will absolutely need it where ever we go. Money on the other hand has also played an important part with education such as the facilities required in schools, and its workforces. However, there are some arguments on researching new discoveries amongst oceanic explorations and space expeditions. Honestly speaking, oceanic expeditions are far more significant than space expeditions and I will provide my opinions towards this matter.

Firstly, we live in Earth and we're surrounded by water, so it is easier said than done that making expeditions and finding new discoveries should start at a place where it is convenient. 70 % of the Earth's surface is covered by water and less than 5 % has been discovered, at least this is accorded to an article. If people say that we should invest money on space expeditions because it's something that we never seen before, our ocean is far more mysterious than space because humans can't breathe underwater and this water is the source of life itself. Think about how can we transport water onto another planet. How many days or months will it take? How can this planet maintain the water's formation when gravity doesn't exists? Has anyone thought of this? Another fact I'd like to point out is the sow process. To plant something needs soil, the Earth's soil is very rich; however, what are the outcomes of this? We will create more problems than solutions.

The problem of extracting minerals is that it can cause erosion, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and the soil can be contaminated. As a result, habitat for animals will eventually grow weaker and kills them slowly.

Secondly, both oceanic and space expeditions requires a lot of money. This money will be used for high technology transportations or vehicles and it takes up so much time by collecting samples, having a board meeting with other scientist whether if this is acceptable theory or not and etc. Time is money!

Lastly, we have cause more damage towards the marine life. Pollutions that we have created won't stop, turtles mistaken plastic as jellyfish and etc. These marine animals are killing themselves because of our doing, and without researchers researching facts about this kind of matter, we won't have them right now, such as sunscreen can actually harm the coral reef. If these scientist haven't made any actions, we would lose all of the marine anime who claim the coral reef as their habitat.

In my opinion, we should make effort to study our oceanic problems rather than running away from it. It is like when your parents give you food on the table, but you don't like it. So you avoid eating that and wanted to buy something else. This matter on our plate should be dealt with and we can't keep running away from it because more problems will appear faster as a lighting strikes down. It is the same thing about a man cannot run forever. It is a foolish idea of planning to move onto another planet because Earth isn't safe anymore. One question that is still remaining... Won't we do the same thing to that planet? Won't we damage it just like Earth? If a problem shows up on the new planet, won't we try to find another planet to live? This is a never ending cycle and this is not the only solution.

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